Politics, governance and management

Building more effective and inclusive institutions that can deliver development constitutes one of the most significant challenges faced by governments and communities in the Global South.

Our research on governance and management investigates the processes through which development institutions become both more effective and inclusive, across a range of key actors and organisations, including governmental and non-governmental institutions from the global through to the local.

In particular, this research theme addresses the following questions:

  • Capacity: how do governments, organisations and the individuals within them develop the capabilities required to promote a more socially just world?
  • Inclusion: how can institutions become more inclusive of and accountable to citizens and how can new technologies help this?
  • Relationships/networks: How do power relations between different groups determine the ways in which institutions emerge and function in practice and how can productive and socially just relationships be enabled and built?

Identifying innovative forms of, and approaches to, governance and management constitutes an important and cross-cutting focus of our research.

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