Finance and Development
Please note : this working paper series has been discontinued and archived . This means that no more papers will be published in the series, and that users should refer directly to the paper's authors for further information on particular papers.
Most working papers and the final report are available for download both in PDF format and as a zipped MS Word file. Briefing papers are available in PDF format only.
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Final report
- Zipped MS Word Archive (272KB) (contains both 'Final Report' and 'Annexes' MS Word files (PDF, KB)
Working papers
- 57/2002 Fine-grain Finance: Financial Choice and Strategy Among the Poor in Rural North India - Orlanda Ruthven, Sushil Kumar (PDF, 779KB)
- 56/2002 Microfinance and the Poverty of Financial Services: How the Poor in India could be Better Served - Sanjay Sinha, Meenal Patole (PDF, 676KB)
- 55/2002 The Implications of X-Inefficiency on the Banking Sector in Africa - Moses Tefula (PDF, 137KB)
Working papers 48 to 54 are not available online.
- 47/2002 How Do Small Firms in Developing Countries Raise Capital? Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey of Kenyan Micro and Small Scale Enterprises - Christopher Green, Peter Kimuyu, Ronny Mano, Victor Murinde (PDF, 93KB)
- 46/2002 How Much Does Conflict Reduce Financial Development? - Tony Addison, Abdur Chowdhury, S Mansoob Murshed (PDF, 84KB)
- 45/2002 Money Talks: Conversations with Poor Households in Bangladesh about Managing Money - Stuart Rutherford (PDF, 242KB)
- 44/2002 Financial Reforms and Financing Decisions of Listed Firms in Zimbabwe - Enard Mutenheri, Christopher Green (PDF, 65KB)
- 43/2002 Corporate Financial Structures in India - Christopher Green, Victor Murinde, Joy Suppakitjarak (PDF, 253KB)
- 42/2002 Evidence on the Determinants of Capital Structure of Non-Financial Corporates in Mauritius - Ronny Manos, Clairette Ah-Hen (PDF, 108KB)
- 41/2002 Dividend Policy and Agency Theory: Evidence on Indian Firms - Ronny Manos (PDF, 65KB)
- 40/2002 Financial Reconstruction in Conflict and 'Post-Conflict' Economies - Tony Addison, Alemayehu Geda, Philippe Le Billon, S Mansoob Murshed (PDF, 56KB)
- 39/2002 Ethiopia's New Financial Sector and its Regulation - Tony Addison, Alemayehu Geda (PDF, 64KB)
- 38/2002 Responding to Financial Crisis: Better Off Without the IMF? The Case of Jamaica - Colin Kirkpatrick, David Tennant (PDF, 86KB)
- 37/2002 New Thinking and New Forms of Microfinancial Service Provision in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study of ASA, SafeSave and Gono Bima - Imran Matin (PDF, 96KB)
- 36/2001 Does Political Structure Really Matter? Evidence on Political Structure, Financial Development and Economic Growth - Alun Dwyfor Evans, Christopher Green, Victor Murinde (PDF, 139KB)
- 35/2001 Corporate Financial Structures in Developing Economies: Evidence from a Comparative Analysis of Thai and Malay Corporations - Sanjiva Prasad, Christopher Green, Victor Murinde (PDF, 214KB)
- 34/2001 Business Groups and Capital Structure: Evidence on Indian Firms - Ronny Manos, Christopher Green, Victor Murinde (PDF, 196KB)
- 33/2001 Business Groups and Dividend Policy: Evidence on Indian Firms - Ronny Manos, Christopher Green, Victor Murinde (PDF, 165KB)
- 32/2001 Money Mosaics: Financial Choice and Strategy in a West Delhi Squatter Settlement - Orlanda Ruthven (PDF, 510KB)
- 30/2001 Financial Development and Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries - Hossein Jalilian, Colin Kirkpatrick (PDF, 62KB)
- 29/2001 From Fragmentation to Embeddedness: Towards a Framework for the Institutional Analysis of Financial Markets - Susan Johnson (PDF, 98KB)
- 28/2001 Metro Moneylenders: Debtors and Creditors in a West Delhi Squatter Settlement - Meenal Patole, Orlanda Ruthven (PDF, 253KB)
- 27/2001 Company Financing, Capital Structure, and Ownership: A Survey and Implications for Developing Economies - Sanjiva Prasad, Christopher J. Green, Victor Murinde (PDF, 280KB)
- 26/2001 Central Bank Regulation and Coping with the Asian Financial Crisis: Lessons from the Bank of Thailand - Andy Mullineux, Victor Murinde, Adisorn Pinijkulviwat (PDF, 102KB)
- 25/2001 Developing Financial Structures to Foster Enterprise Development - Andy Mullineux, Victor Murinde (PDF, 89KB)
- 24/2000 Financial Services Diversification and Agricultural Development in Africa: The Case of Microinsurance - Paul Mosley [not available in electronic format]
- 23/2000 The Implications of WTO and GATS for the Banking Sector in Africa - Victor Murinde, Cillian Ryan (PDF, 145KB)
- 22/2000 The Importance of Human Capital and Financial Development in Economic Growth: New Evidence Using the Translog Production Function - Dwyfor Evans, Christopher Green, Victor Murinde (PDF, 129KB)
- 21/2000 Compiling and Understanding the Flow of Funds in Developing Countries - Christopher Green, Victor Murinde, Joy Suppakitjarak, Tomoe Moore (PDF, 317KB)
- 20/2000 Finance in Conflict and Reconstruction - Tony Addison, S Mansoob Murshed, Philippe Le Billon (PDF, 56KB)
- 19/2000 Prudential Regulation of Banks in Less Developed Economies - S Mansoob Murshed , Djono Subagjo (PDF, 148KB)
- 18/2000 Support Mechanisms for Interfirm Linkages Among SMEs: Impact and Assessment - Paul Cook (PDF, 63KB)
- 17/2000 The IMF after the Asia Crisis: Merits and Limitations of the 'Long Term Development Partner' Role - Paul Mosley (PDF, 152KB)
- 16/2000 Key Microstructure and Policy Issues for Emerging Stock Markets: What Have We Learned? - Christopher Green, Victor Murinde, Rose Ngugi (PDF, 129KB)
- 15/2000 The Policy Environment for Promoting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Ghana and Malawi - Dalitso Kayanula, Peter Quartey (PDF, 167KB)
- 14/2000 Finance and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development - Paul Cook, Frederick Nixson (PDF, 100KB)
- 13/2000 The Prediction and Diagnosis of Bank Failures in Zambia - Samuel Munzele Maimbo) (Paul Cook (PDF, 844KB)
- 12/2000 Financial Regulation in Developing Countries - Martin Brownbridge, Colin Kirkpatrick (PDF, 87KB)
- 11/1999 Some Lessons for Regulation from Recent Bank Crises - David Llewellyn (PDF, 114KB)
- 10/1999 Financial Sector Development and Savings Mobilisation: An Assessment - George Mavrotas, Roger Kelly (PDF, 139KB)
- 9/1999 Financial Services for the Poor and Poorest: Deepening Understanding to Improve Provision - Imran Matin, David Hulme, Stuart Rutherford (PDF, 170KB)
- 8/1999 Policy Issues in Market Based and Non Market Based Measures to Control the Volatility of Portfolio Investment - E.V.K. FitzGerald (PDF, 157KB)
- 7/1999 Progress, Constraints and Limitations of Financial Sector Reforms in the Least Developed Countries - Martin Brownbridge, Samuel Gayi (PDF, 104KB)
- 6/1999 Capital Surges, Investment Instability and Income Distribution After Capital Liberalization - E.V.K. FitzGerald (PDF, 83KB)
- 5/1999 Flows of Funds: Implications for Research on Financial Sector Development and the Real Economy - Christopher Green, Victor Murinde (PDF, 7KB)
- 4/1999 Micro-Macro Linkages in Financial Markets: The Impact of Financial Liberalisation on Access to Rural Credit in Four African Countries - Paul Mosley (PDF, 66KB)
- 3/1999 The Poor and Their Money - Stuart Rutherford
- 2/1999 Financial Sector Regulation: The Lessons of the Asian Crisis - Martin Brownbridge, Colin Kirkpatrick (PDF, 63KB)
- 1/1999 Impact Assessment Methodologies for Microfinance: Theory, Experience and Better Practice - David Hulme (PDF, 155KB)
Briefing papers
- 4/2002 Money Matters: Uncovering the Financial Life of the Poor in North India (PDF, 615KB)
- 3/2002 Prudential Regulation - Martin Brownbridge, Colin Kirkpatrick, Samuel Munzele Maimbo (PDF, 345KB)
- 2/2002 The Flow of Funds - Christopher J Green, Victor Murinde, Tomoe Moore (PDF, 343KB)
- 1/2002 Conflict and Financial Reconstruction - Tony Addison (PDF, 168KB)